(Negativity: Part One)
My family has always been great fans of science fiction and fantasy. We love a stalwart hero; revel in an enemy that falls to justice and cheer when good prevails. The last few years, though, the lines between fact and fiction have blurred; the lines between good and bad more so. It’s like we are side characters in a dark fantasy, collateral damage for the powers that be. The world is in turmoil and we have a daily ringside seat. So, how do we navigate the negative to find the peace we long for?
Bring a Compass

Years ago my husband and I ran into a situation where we had to deal with someone we found to be a serial victim. If something bad was going to happen, it happened to them. They made poor choices, fell for scams, pored their heart into causes, but could barely support themselves. And when they crashed, they came to us.
They had no compass. They were lost in the cycle of victim mentality.
It wasn’t until years later, when my health collapsed, that I started recognizing the same victim mentality in myself. As I peeled away the psychological layers that held me bound to my ailments, I realized just how much I was inviting negative energy into my life.
I found that the first step to navigating the negative in the world was to acknowledge the negative thoughts and actions I was putting into the world.
It sounds the opposite of positivity, but you want to initially set your compass to find the ways you project negativity in your life. Once you recognize the negative patterns, you can take steps to correct them.
Finding Your Path
I want you to hear this next part very clearly: Do NOT punish yourself for the negative patterns you find!

It is very easy and very human to feel regret, remorse, and shame, even disgust and anger, when we start uncovering the ways in which we foster negative energy in our lives. But, if you punish yourself, you are just compounding the negative!
Treat yourself gently. Become your best teacher. Your goal is to promote love and positivity in your life. When negative thoughts creep in, or judgmental words or actions manifest, ask yourself if this is promoting your goal of love and positivity. If it isn’t, come up with positive thoughts to replace the negative; positive words or actions to replace the judgmental ones.
The Journey
Eventually, you will establish a habit of positivity. The more you practice, the easier it will become to pull yourself back into a positive frame of mind.
It doesn’t mean you will never slip. You are trying to navigate a very human, often negative and judgmental world, after all. As an energetic being in this very human world, you are going to be affected by the negative energy that swirls within it.
The point is to not get lost in the storm.
Set your sights on letting the negative roll off of you like beads of water on wax. You may find that your little haven of positivity will ripple out and light a spark in those around you.
Peace be with you!
By Louise Hughes
(Louise is a co-founder of Church of the Sacred Truths and a student of the spiritual.)
Images by (in order of appearance): Danya Guten, Alex Andrews, and Dylan Chan on Pexels.com.